Python syntax highlighting
Install details:
Place python.vim file in ~/.vim/syntax/ folder.
Markdown Vim Highlighting
Install Details
Easy! Just open gzipball file with Vim (of course!) and use command :source %. All files will be extracted in your Vim home directory.
$ vim markdown-<version>.vba.gz +"source % | quit!"
Please, visit for more information.
Mapping keys in Vim
Reference to Mapping keys in Vim - Tutorial
Key mapping refers to creating a chortcut for repeating a sequence of keys or commands. You can map keys to execute frequently used key sequences or to invoke an Ex command or to invoke a Vim function or to invoke external commands. Using key maps you can define your own Vim commands.
Vim supports several editing modes - normal, insert, replace, visual, select, command-line and operator-pending. You can map a key to work in all or some of these modes.
The general syntax of a map command is:
{cmd} {attr} {lhs} {rhs}
{cmd} is one of ':map', ':map!', ':nmap', ':vmap', ':imap',
':cmap', ':smap', ':xmap', ':omap', ':lmap', etc.
{attr} is optional and one or more of the following: <buffer>, <silent>,
<expr> <script>, <unique> and <special>.
More than one attribute can be specified to a map.
{lhs} left hand side, is a sequence of one or more keys that you will use
in your new shortcut.
{rhs} right hand side, is the sequence of keys that the {lhs} shortcut keys
will execute when entered.
map <F2> :echo 'Current time is ' . strftime('%c')<CR>
map! <F3> <C-R>=strftime('%c')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <F2> :lchdir %:p:h<CR>:pwd<CR>
The first step in creating a map is to decide the sequence of keys that needs to be mapped. When you invoke a map, Vim will execute the sequence of keys as though you entered it from the keyboard. You can do this by manually entering the keysequence and verifying that they perform the desired operation.
The second step is to decide the editing mode (insert mode, visual mode, command-line mode, normal mode, etc.) in which the map should work. Instead of creating a map that works in all the modes, it is better to define the map that works only in selected modes.
The third step is to find an unused key sequence that can be used to invoke the map. You can invoke a map using either a single key or a sequence of keys. :help map-which-keys
The above are explained in more detail in the following sections.
Finding unused keys
In your private maps you should use key sequences that are not used by Vim and by other Vim plugins. :help map-which-keys
Many of the key sequences that you can enter from the keyboard are used by Vim to implement the various internal commands. If you use a key sequence in your map that is already used by Vim, then you will not be able to use the functionality provided by Vim for that key sequence. To get a list of the key sequences used by Vim, read the following help topic:
:help index.txt
If you don’t use some Vim functionality invoked by a particular key sequence or you have an alternate key sequence to use that functionality then you can use that key sequence in your maps.
Some of the key sequences may be used by the existing Vim scripts and plugins. To display the list of keys that ar currently mapped, use the following command:
To determine the script or plugin that defines a map for a key sequence, use the following command.
:verbose map <key>
In the above command, replace
:verbose map ,
Try to use an unused key sequence in your maps. Typically, the
You can alse prefix the desired key sequence with a backslash () or comma (,) or underscore (_), etc. and use that in your maps.
Note that you cannot map the Shift or Alt or Ctrl keys alone as they are key modifiers. You have to combine these key modifiers with other keys to create a map.
You should not use a frequently used Vim key sequence at the start of your map. For example, you should not start your normal mode map key sequence with “j” or “k” or “l” or “h”. These keys are used for moving the cursor in normal mode. If you use any of these keys at the begining of your maps, then you will observe a delay when you enter a single “j” or “k” or “l” or “h”.
Using maps in Vim plugins and scripts
A Vim plugin or script can define new key maps to let the user invoke the commands and functions provided by the plugin. A Vim plugin can alse invoke key maps defined by other Vim plugins.
A plugin can choose to map any available key. But to avoid surprising (annoying) the user, it is better not to use the keys that already have pre-defined functionality in Vim.
In a Vim plugin, the “:normal” command is used to execute normal mode commands. For example, the “gqip” normal mode command is used to format a paragraph. To invoke this command from a Vim plugin, the following line can be used:
normal gqip
If any of the keys in “gqip” is mapped, then the mapped key sequence will be executed. This may change the expected behavior of the “gqip” command. To avoid this, add the “!” suffix to the “normal” command:
normal! gqip
With the “!” suffix, the “normal” command executes the built-in functionality provided by Vim for the specified sequence of keys.
To invoke a script local function, defined with the “s:” prefix, from a map,
you have to prefix the function name with
:inoremap <expr> <C-U> <SID>InsertFunc()
A plugin may map one or more keys to easily invoke the functionality provided by the plugin. In the plugin functions used by these types of maps, it is advisable not to alter user Vim option settings, register contents and marks. Otherwise, the user will be surprised to see that some options are changed after invoking a plugin provided map.
Map leader
If the key maps provided by all the Vim plugins start with a same key, then it is easier for a user to distinguish between his own key maps and the ones privided by plugins. To facilitate this, Vim provides a special keyword that can be used in a map command.
Install vim-go
Add Plugin 'fatih/vim-go'
into your .vimrc. Then type ‘:PluginInstall’ in
vim.(vundle needed)
Auto completion
Auto completion is enabled by default via
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
$ git clone
$ cd YouCompleteMe
$ ./
See more about vim-go in GOPHER ACADEMY
New tab from existing mvim window
$ mvim --remote-tab filename
MacVim first window is a Vim instance with --servername
set to VIM
. Each
subsequent instance is named VIM1
, VIM2
and so on. The command above opens
a new tab in the first instance by default, it’s the equivalent of:
$ mvim --servername VIM --remote-tab .profile
If you want to open a tab in a specific instance, check its name at the top of
the window. Assuming it’s VIM1
, do:
$ mvim --servername VIM1 --remote-tab .profile
MacVim Transparent
Add set transparency=15
in ~/.gvimrc
Jumping to the start and end of a code block
To jump to the beginning/end of a code block (while, switch, if, function etc),
user the [{
command. (They will work from anywhere inside the code
To jump to the beginning/end of a parenthesis use the [(
To jump to the beginning/end of a file use the [[
Reference to amjith’s blog
Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Get changes from other windows into the current window.
- Put the changes from current window into the other window.
- Jump to the next change
- Jump to the previous change.
Update: Allan commented these two tips that I personally use quite often.
- If you load up two files in splits (:vs or :sp), you can do :diffthis on each window and achieve a diff of files that were already loaded in buffers
- :diffoff can be used to turn off the diff mode.
Set working directory to the current file
Reference to wikia
Vim commands
The present working directory can be displayed in Vim with:
To change to the directory of the currently open file (this sets the current directory for all windows in Vim):
:cd %:p:h
You can alse change the directory only for the current window (each window has a local current irectory that can be different from Vim’s global current directory):
:lcd %:p:h
In these commands, %
gives the name of the current file, %:p
gives its full
path, and %:p:h
gives its directory (the “head” of the full path).
Automatically change the current directory
Sometimes it is helpful if your working directory is always the same as the file you are editing. To achieve this, put the following in your vimrc:
set autochdir
That’s it! Unfortunately, when this option is set some plugins may not work
correctly if they make assumptions about the current directory. Sometimes, as
an alternative to setting autochdir
, the following command gives better
autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h
This autocmd changes the window-local current directory to be the same as the directory of the current file. It fails silently to prevent error messages when you edit files via ftp or new files. It works better in some cases because the autocmd is not nested, and will therefore not fire when switching buffers via another autocmd. It will also work in older versions of Vim or versions compiled without the ‘autochdir’ option. Note, however, that there is no easy way to test for this autocmd in a script like there is for the ‘autochdir’ option.
Either of these methods will “cd” to the directory of the file in the current window, each time you switch to that window.
Using the autocmd method, you could customize when the directory change takes
place. For example, to not change directory if the file is in /tmp
autocmd BufEnter * if expand("%:p:h") !~ '^/tmp' | silent! lcd %:p:h |
- Either of these automatic methods will make loading and saving sessions work incorrectly.
- Problems with ‘autochdir’ and netrw have been reported in the past, though they are fixed now.
Mapping or command for quick directory change
Rather than automatically change the working directory, you can use a mapping
or a user command to easily change directory to the file being edited. The
mapping below maps the keystrokes ,cd
(comma c d) to do that.
nnoremap ,cd :cd %:p:h<CR>
Alternatively, use:
nnoremap ,cd :cd %:p:h<CR>:pwd<CR>
to print the directory after changing, so you know where you ended up.
If you prefer, use a command instead of a mapping. The following allows you to
enter :CDC
to change directory (it also displays the new directory):
" CDC = Change to Directory of Current file
command CDC cd %:p:h
Search and replace
Reference to wikia
Vim provides the :s
(substitute) command for search and replace; this tip
shows examples of how to substitute. On some system, gvim has Find and Replace
on the Edit menu, however it is easier to use the :s
command due to its
command line history and ability to
insert text (for example, the word under cursor) into the search or replace
Basic search and replace
The :substitute
command searches for a text
pattern, and replaces it with a text
string. There are many options, but these are what you probably want:
Find each occurrence of ‘foo’ (in all lines), and replace it with ‘bar’. -
Find each occurrence of ‘foo’ (in the current line only), and replace it with ‘bar’. -
Change each ‘foo’ to ‘bar’, but ask for confirmation first. -
Change only whole words exactly matching ‘foo’ to ‘bar’; ask for confirmation. -
Change each ‘foo’ (case insensitive) to ‘bar’; ask for confirmation. This may be wanted after using:set noignorecase
to make searches case insensitive. -
Change each ‘foo’ (case sensitive) to ‘bar’; ask for confirmation. This may be wanted after using:set ignorecase
to make searches case sensitive (the default).
The g
flag means global - each occurrence in theline is changed, rather than
just the first. This tip assumes the default setting for the 'gdefault'
option (off), which requires that the g
flag be included in
to perform a global substitute. Using :set gdefault
confusion because then %s///
is global, whereas %s///g
is not (that is ,
reverses its meaning).
When using the c
flag, you need to confirm for each match what to do. Vim
will output something like: replace with foobar (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)?
foobar is the replacement part of the :s/.../.../
command. You can type y
which means to substitute this match, n
to skip this match, a
to substitute
this and all remaining matches (“all” remaining matches), q
to quit the
command, l
to substitute this match and quit (think of “last”), ^E
scroll the screen up by holding the Ctrl key and pressing E and ^Y
to scroll
the screen down by holding the Ctrl key and pressing Y. However, the last two
choices are only available, if your Vim is a normal, big or huge built or the
insert_expand feature was enabled at compile time (look for +insert_expand
the output of :version
Also when using the c
flag, Vim will jump to the first match it finds
starting from the top of the buffer and prompt you for confirmation to perform
replacement on that match. Vim applies the IncSearch
highlight group to the
matched text to give you a visual cue as to which match it is operating on (set
to reverse
by default for all three term types as of Vim 7.3). Additionally,
if more than one match is found and you have search highlighting enabled with
:set hlsearch
, Vim highlights the remaining matches with the Search
highlight group. If you do use search highlighting, you should make sure that
these two highlight groups are visually distinct or you won’t be able to easily
tell which match Vim is prompting you to substitute.
See wikia for more detail.
Programming with Go in Vim
Reference to myitcv
NERDTree settings in vimrc
silent! nmap <C-p> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
silent! map <F2> :NERDTreeFind<CR>
let g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode="<F2>"
let g:NERDTreeMapPreview="<F3>"
will open NERDTree panel and highlight current file. And when you’re in
the NERDTree panel, F2
will open file under cursor. So, I can use one button
to jump between buffer and NERDTree. (And F2
for preview because it’s next to