Decode Shadowsocks QR Code

Posted by rightpeter on July 29, 2015

Shadowsocks Config and QR Code

Reference to

Config File

QR Code is encode from ss.json, config of shadowsocks looks like:

    "server": "my_server_ip",
    "server_port": 8388,
    "local_port": 1080,
    "password": "barfoo!",
    "timeout": 600,
    "method": "table"

Explanation of each field:

  • server: your hostname or server IP (IPv4/IPv6).

  • server_port: server port number.

  • local_port: local port number.

  • password: a password used to encrypt transfer.

  • timeout: connections timeout in seconds.

  • method: encryption method, “bf-cfb”, “aes-256-cfb”, “des-cfb”, “rc4”, etc. Default is table, which is not secure. “aes-256-cfb” is recommended.

URI and QR code

Shadowsocks for Android / iOS also accepts BASE64 encoded URI format configs:


Where the plain URI should be:


For example, we have a server at using bf-cfb encryption method and password test. Then, with the plain URI ss://bf-cfb:test@, we can generate the BASE64encoded URI:


This URI can also be encoded to QR code. Then, just scan it with your Android/iOS devices

Decode QR Code

1. Use any QR Code scanner decode the QR Code into URI like

2. Use `echo encode_string | base64 --decode` to decode the URI

3. Done!